Sunday, June 1, 2008

Old Blog Post11 (5-7-06)

As iggonorance is erased from the minds of intellectuals and in place arrogance is added, I have realized emotions make you crazy. Over the last few days, my love for a certain gangsta has risen. With these new feelings, old feelings leave. I am no longer infatuated with her. I'm just...I don't know...I still like her but...something has changed. We fight more often and i just don't get that vibe I used to. It just frustrates me to know that I will never be more than number two. My readers: how do you run race when you destined to lose? It seems this question has strip me of my emotions. Don't get me wrong for her I'd face the wrath of the roman army and carry the sorrows of lost souls in hell. These fights must stop, eventhough I start all of them. Hell I might be startin one now. I communicate like this because words are my best friends. As a poet and a pre-revolutionary, believe it or not, I have a hard time expressin my emotions. This is not easy for me. My readers: How is it you dis-like someone thats a good person. Hmm...I'm done.

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